Monday, March 19, 2007

I'll Tell You Your Future

Towards the end of 2006, Penny and I went to a psychic to see how our 2007’s would fare. Linda was on point with everything, but at 60 dollars a pop, she was just not a steady fiscal possibility, being that we both work in social services, and were looking to become homeowners.

Penny, being the crafty ho that she is, came to work just before Christmas with a gift for us. The Magic 8 Ball. Economically sound and just as on point as Linda. The Magic 8 Ball has not been wrong yet, and trust me, we have put it to the test! Except for the one error in co-signing that Penny was going to be fired, we have not doubted it at all.

Ok, so you can only ask yes or no questions, but it is better than basing your day around on the horoscope in the amNY newspaper, which is probably written by a 10 year old.