Friday, September 07, 2012

Best Laid Plans

I figured I'd tell you how I found out.  As everything else in my life, this is a long story.

Dirty and I had decided to start trying to have a baby.  Jigga what?  The person who had always poo-pooed the idea of children and was tolerant of them at best was planning to make one?!?!?!  Yes, Dirty wore me down.

Anyway, after a month of "trying" aka banging all the time, I started to feel weird.  Like super forgetful, shaky and lightheaded.  Everyone at my job was like "BABY".  But I didn't feel that. I knew that my body was revolting against me, and it wasn't for a good reason like incubating a baby.  

I took a pregnancy test.  Negative.  I went to my primary doctor, she did a standard blood test.  Normal.  I was starting to think I was going crazy.  I finally went to my endocrinologist, who when I told her my symptoms was "get in this office NOW!".

2 thyroid blood tests, 3 sonograms, a cat scan, 2 thyroid scans, an ekg, and 6 biopsy's later there it was.  Cancer.  Fucking cancer.  The whole time I was going through the tests, each tech told me that this case was so abnormal.  Um, hello?  This is me we are talking about.  Of course it is abnormal.  I am the only person on the face of this earth that gained weight with an overactive thyroid.

I remember an old post on here when I went through this once before; when everything was benign, and I said fuck cancer.  It is a scary work and even scarier outcome.

Luckily, my type is fairly easy to remedy.  A radioactive iodine treatment, a quick surgery and a few radiation treatments to make sure everything is dead, and poof, no more cancer.  Then I'll have to take synthroid for the rest of my life.

Could be worse, right?

Sidebar: Anyone find it strange how since I married Dirty, I broke my foot, was in the hospital for a kidney infection, and now this?  No?  Just me then?  Ok.


GirlX said...

I am glad that you at least have a solid treatment plan. I commend your bravery, seriously. I know I'm halfway across the country, but if there is ever anything I can do please get in touch.

You have had some serious health issues. I think it's marriage-itis. Maybe I got out just in time? ;)