Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Papa Don't Preach

Considering all the changes that have been happening in this country lately, I should never be surprised when crazy, unbelievable stuff happens close to home.

I have been dealing the the migraine to end all migraines for the past week. In addition to the stress from work; the drop in barometric pressure and the icebox that is my office, I got sick. Really sick. Vomiting, diarrhea, you know all that good stuff. I was out of work for 3 days.

Of course, while I was out I missed some scandalous gossip. It always happens like that doesn't it?

Ready for it?

Sidekick is PREGNANT.

Pick up your jaw off the floor.

I know. Apparently, she got knocked up before she became a lesbian, and didn't know it until she missed her periodS. Yes, she missed 2 periods before she decided to get a pregnancy test. She is currently living with her new girlfriend, and the only way that her ex- husband has access to her is to visit her at work. She is keeping the baby, she is having a girl and she showed me the ultrasound pictures today.

I can't even imagine what her mood swings will be like now that she has a reason to be moody. here I come.


**Liz** said...

wow - now that is some scandal. How do you go 2 missed periods? WOW

Jadeny said...

Holy shit! That's some serious dramzzz. lol

Anonymous said...

WHOA. Suddenly, my life seems so boring and I'd consider that a good thing lol. Yea, my eyes just about fell out of my head after reading that. Scary.

Stella said...

What the hell? lmao, sidekicks life is mirroring friends episodes.

Stella said...

That is friends with a capital F...yes the tv show

KBear said...

well, my mom missed 3 periods before she went to the doctor. Some people are not regular, and missing one or two doesn't faze them. I can go 6 months without a period, and then get it for 45 days straight. Don't ask me how, cause no one knows, but that's why I was on birth control.

How far along is she? I thought you couldn't find out the gender until you're about 18 weeks or more?

Dial-Up Princess said...

i dunno. i mean im not regular but if i miss one and there is cause for potential concern, id def by a test just for shits and giggles followed by just saying...

**Liz** said...

usually it is 16 weeks, and then you can find out hte sex of the baby